


1.SINCOTEC 动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台1.1德国Sincotec动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台描述德国Sincotec公司利用共振原理推出了具有专利的动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台。可应用于汽车及列车轮轴的疲劳试验。尤其在铁...




1.  SINCOTEC –动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台

1.1  德国Sincotec动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台描述

德国Sincotec公司利用共振原理推出了具有专利的动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台。可应用于汽车及列车轮轴的疲劳试验。尤其在铁路行业,该系统(Rotation Bending Testing System)在世界范围内得到了认可。

设备用于研究的内容为: 铁路或其他重载车辆的轮轴旋转弯矩疲劳试验.

1.2 德国Sincotec动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台执行以下标准

ISO EN 13260, 13261, 13262

1.3 德国Sincotec动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台工作原理

车轮固定在一个质量系统上,轮轴顶端安装一个变频伺服电机。变频控制的伺服电机带动一个小型偏心质量块,在轮轴顶端产生一个转速为φ旋转的离心力F,此离心力在轮轴顶端通过轮轴长度的力臂产生一个小的旋转弯矩M. 当转速不断提高, 旋转频率f接近轮轴该模态下的固有频率时, 弯矩M将被放大上百倍, 从而驱动轮轴完成疲劳试验.

1.4 德国Sincotec动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台特点

-  能耗低。共振时外力做功的效率达到极大,此时系统内的弹性能与运动能互相转化,外力仅用于克服阻尼力(相位相反)所以功耗极低。试验机主体使用寿命不低于30年。设备在最高50HZ工作时,设备保证测量数据可靠性和准确度,安全稳定。

-  大大缩短试验时间。共振式疲劳试验机由于工作频率高,所用时间可大缩短. SincoTec 的轮轴试验系统的频率可达50Hz。

-  所测疲劳寿命准确、标准一致。由于试件产生裂纹导致刚度下降进而引起共振频率下降,据此控制系统可设置自动停机,如:共振频率下降,对应一定裂纹长度,系统判定为试件失效。这样,一批试件的失效标准将统一,对均值寿命、标准差的估计更为准确。设备有安全停机和紧急停机保护功能,并在停机后加载系统自动卸载的功能。

-  识别疲劳损伤容易。对于共振式偏心质量旋转弯曲轮轴疲劳系统, SincoTec 提供4个测量反馈控制点,四个点的间距为45度角。配合特殊的软件模块利用这4个点,旋转弯矩可到稳定的控制。在测试中,极坐标测试系统中的载荷“同心”。疲劳损伤后同心度发生变化,计算机实时图示中清晰可见,由圆变成椭圆。

-  系统维护简单,对操作人员技术要求相对不高,甚至可无人值守。共振式高频试验系统基本上免维护,成本低。

-  设备运行简单。设备不要求很大的场地,特殊设计的地基,运行中噪声也很小,因此,便用方便,搬运容易、对环境污染小。设备可连续工作。

1.5  供货范围

A. 250KNm Mechanical Set-Up 250KNm 机械系统设置

- Radial T-slot plate with fixing set

- Unbalanced mass motor incl. clamping devices and one adapter for a specific railway wheel and axle diameter

- Steel concrete foundation (weight approx. 80 tons) will be done by the customer

B. Controlling and Drive System EXCITATION MOT ,UPS控制和驱动系统,不间断电源

- Control unit EXCITATION MOT with drive system, 4 off 5 kHz carrier frequency measuring amplifiers, special control system for railway wheel tests with 4 measuring point technique (strain gauges)

- UPS System: Uninterruptible Power Supply (approx. 5 min. PC working time which allows a controlled shut-down of the system after a power failure)

- Additional analogue input +/- 10 V (max. of 8 limit options can be monitored)

C. Control Software EMOTION 控制和应用软件

- Software package EMOTION with WINDOWS 7, standard version in English

- Software module for 4 measuring point technique

- documentation package: print function, 2 standard protocols, colour inkjet printer, standard ASCII export function for protocols

- Graphic tool: Oscilloscope function, formulas, signals, run-up graph, multimeter with min/max function

- Exchange of the manual configurable measuring amplifiers against PC-configurable measuring amplifiers

- Block program: software module for block program testing, user configurable

- Extended monitoring functions, limit monitoring of several signals

- 全套测控软件、疲劳分析软件(S/N曲线、台阶法疲劳分析、频谱分析、雨流计数分析)

- 数据记录软件:自动记录并保存试验运行状态(包括动态应变/应力、位移、载荷、温度等),数据采集频率可调,最大不低于1000Hz,滤波频率10Hz~10000Hz范围内可调。

D. Design of the foundation 地基设计

- Design of an approx. 60-80 tons foundation in accordance with SincoTec engineers

- Technical agreement with discussion inChinaabout static calculation, special drawings, plan for straightening steel, certification of strength (concrete foundation)

- Active uncoupling system for the foundation

E. Technical Inspection 技术审核

supervision by a SincoTec engineer during the production of the foundation

F. Seaworthy package海运包装

In wooden boxes according to IPPC-standard

G. The assembly, commissioning 安装调试


H. Introduction and training 培训

on the railway wheel and axle fatigue tester

1.6  Railway Wheel Fatigue Testing System铁路轮轴疲劳测试系统技术描述
The wheels and axles ofvehicles are subject to complex demands. Particularly the spoke or dish area isessentially stressed by rotating bending loads. Additionally all components inthe subsequent area of the wheel, e.g. wheel flanges and flange bearingsincluding their screw connections become stressed by rotating bending momentloads. 铁路车轮轴面临复杂的受力要求。尤其是轮辐或者轮盘区域, 此处受力本质上为旋转弯曲应力。加之所有轮子随后的组件,即车轮法兰和法兰轴承包括法兰连接等都承受转动弯曲力矩带来的复杂应力。

These stresses can be simulated in the laboratorywith a rotating bending fatigue strength test system with an unbalanced-mass.Advantages of these systems are extremely low energy consumption, high testingfrequencies, small maintenance costs and exact automatic incipient crackrecognition. 德国SincoTec的测试装置可以用共振偏心载荷在实验室模拟旋转弯曲疲劳强度。该系统的优点是非常低的能源消耗,高测试频率,小维修费用和精确的早期裂缝自动识别功能。

The wheel set test rig for railway wheels isdesigned as an unbalanced mass resonance test system for applying rotatingbending loads up to 250,000 Nm. The wheel is clamped on an approx. 80 tonbase-plate. The base-plate works with its mass as a counterpart, which can movefreely. The dynamic uncoupling takes place by means of springs. The testingfrequencies can be influenced by removable unbalanced masses. SincoTec的铁路轮轴测试系统为共振式偏心载荷加载系统,被设计为可加载250KN-M的旋转弯曲载荷。车轮被钳在一个约80吨的地基基板上。该基地与它作为对应,可以自由移动。动态解耦需要通弹簧调节。通过改变偏心质量可以调节测试频率。

The SincoTec Bauteil-Prüftechnik GmbH suppliesand operates railway wheel test rigs. This also covers the construction andbuilding of freely suspended bases for large test rigs.德国SincoTec Bauteil-Prüftechnik Gmbh供应和经营的铁路车轮试验系统。这也包括大型试验装置的建设和悬浮基地的建设。

1.6.1  动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台主机技术参数

- Nominal bending moment最大弯矩载荷:250 kNm

- Type of loading载荷方式:Rotating unbalanced mass

- Frequency range频率范围:10 … 50 Hz

- Area of mounting table试验台尺寸:2000*2000 mm

- 传感器精度:不低于0.1%

- 载荷示值误差:不超过0.5%

- 试验机主体使用寿命:不低于30年

- 强度要求:试验台机械系统具备足够强度、刚度和无限寿命疲劳强度。

- 机械结构动态响应:在最高工作频率下,试验设备的动态响应不会对试验设备造成损害并且不影响试验测量数据的准确性

- 停机功能:具备自动停机和紧急停机功能,停机后加载系统能够自动卸载

- 动态应力应变仪:64通道

- 计数器:计数范围不低于109

- 录像监控:摄像头自动调焦和自动旋转,数量4个;具备完备的视频显示功能

- 记录及监控:自动记录并保存试验运行状态(包括动态应变/应力)和试样状态。数据采集设备具备抗电磁干扰能力。能自动监控整个试验台的工作状态,当指标异常时,能够自动判断停机或警报

1.6.2   Control-unitEXCITATION MOT 控制系统

The drive system EXCITATION MOT is a digital controlled system whichconsists of the latest electronic components and with the software packageEMOTION the complete resonance testing machine is been driven.The control system is characterised beneath its easy to use andexcellent adaptability to various types of testing machines by low energyconsumption. EXCITATION MOT is maintenance-free and provides superior control accuracy.驱动系统EXCITING MOT是一个数字控制的共振激励驱动系统,包括最新的电子部件和软件包E-MOTION。控制系统以低能耗和对多种测试机器的高适用性为特点。EXCITING MOT不需要维保,并能提供超高精度的控制。

All components are installed inside the control-rack.所有组件安装在控制机架内部,满足IP56的防护等级。

Thecontrol system works force controlled as standard. With the optional softwaremodules displacement or strain controlling is possible. The necessary hardwareadditions can be offered when desired. Therefore several card locations areintended. The connecting box at the back of the control unit is alreadyprepared.控制系统是以力控制为标准工作方式。安装使用位移或应变控制的软件模块,提供给用户必要的新增硬件。控制器中预留扩展槽。连接箱在控制系统的背面。

Thecontrol unit is a combined analogue-digital control-circuit. The actual valuecome from a force transducer either any other transducer and amplified in a 5kHz carrier-frequency amplifier. The digital analysator identifies thefrequency and amplitude of the measuring signal and transforms it into ananalogue signal. This analogue input signal is converted into the set value ofthe drive motor. 控制单元是一个集成的模拟-数字控制电路。测试时,由力传感器或别的传感器传来的数据通过一个5kHz载波频率的放大器放大后进入控制器。数字分析器识别出信号的频率和振幅,然后将它转变为模拟信号。数字相位调节器将调节相位的实际值与设定值之间的差。数字前置放大器将调节振幅。这样,被编辑过的数据再由一个功率放大器放大用来驱动系统。控制单元具有计数器功能,计数范围不低于109。

Thequotation for a EXCITATION MOT unit includes the following positions:控制单元EXCITING MAG装在一个防尘的控制柜中,包括

1.     Powerfull industrial computer Intel® CoreTM Duo E 8400processor, with:

- 2 GB RAM; 250 GB harddisk; 1 GB graphic card

- DVD-drive; network on board; front- USB

- 22"-TFT-Monitor;optical mouse; keyboard, colour inkjet printer

- Multifunctional card for measurement, command and control


- 2 GB内存,250 GB的硬盘,1 GB的显卡

- DVD驱动器, USB 接口

- 22“ 液晶显示器,光电鼠标,键盘,彩色喷墨打印机

- 测量多功能卡,指挥和控制

2.     Plug-in cards for EXCITATION MOT-parallel-controller andA/D-D/A-converter
EXCITION MOT 并行控制器及数字转换器,数/模-模/数转换器用于测量及控制。

3.     Industrial-PC-control unit for the rough industrial use, protectionaccording to IP 56.Dimensions: approx. 1.100 x 600 x 600 mm, weight: approx. 270 kg, accessories: transport wheels, airfan with temperature control
工业计算机控制电脑,根据工业防护等级为IP56,尺寸: 1.100 ×600 × 600毫米,重量: 270公斤,并装有散热风扇。

4.     EXCITATION MOT-System circuit design with controller-cards built-in a 19” rack
 EXCITING MOT 系统装在19寸控制架里的控制卡电路

5.     Carrier-frequency amplifier (5 kHz) for load cells, PC configurable

6.     EXCITATION MOT-power unit for dynamic drive

7.     Circuit-design with various small devices, switches, mounting devicesand small parts

The complete electronics are built-in in the PC cabinet. The structure is modular,so that each unit can be installed and dismantled easily and fast. 完整的电子系统是内置在PC内。结构是模块化的,这样每个单元可以快速的安装和拆除。

The structure of the device takes place according to the VDE standards and fulfilsbeyond that operational procedures of some German car manufacturers. Thecontrol-unit fulfils the CE-regulations. Electrical input: 16 A / 380 V(three-phase, cekon-plug); max. input power 7,0 kW.该器件的结构根据VDE标准,超出了标准德国制造业的标准。控制单元履行CE认证法规。电气输入:16A/ 380V(三相);最大输入功率7千瓦。

1.6.3   EMOTIonSoftware Package


EMOTION is the user system for controlling resonance testing machines.It works in conjunction with WINDOWS 7. The following figures show the Germanrelease of the software. An English release is available. The standard-versionoffers all functions to operate a resonance testing-machine. For advancedtesting tasks further options are available.EMOTION软件是共振试验机的用户控制界面系统。它可以与Windows 7一起使用。下面的数字显示,德国的软件版本。英文版本可用。标准版提供操作共振试验机的所有功能。

Software module“Rotating bending” for 4 measuring points with 4 measuring amplifiers.软件模块“旋转弯曲”的4个测量点和4点测量放大器

For the usage with an unbalanced mass rotating bending test system acontrolling with 4 measuring points which a mounted in an angle of 45° has apositive effect. With the help of this special software module it is possibleto control the system on the maximum of the 4 measuring points. A display showsonline the 4 measuring values. A diagram shows in a polar-coordinate system the“concentricity of the stress” during the test. After a fatigue damage theconcentricity changes. about that a defined abort is possible.对于一个共振式偏心质量旋转弯曲系统, SincoTec 提供4个测量反馈控制点,四个点的间距为45度角。配合特殊的软件模块利用这4个点,旋转弯矩可到稳定的控制。上图显示了在线的4个测量值。在测试中,图示显示在极坐标测试系统中的载荷“同心”。疲劳损伤后同心度发生变化,图示中清晰可见,由圆变成椭圆。
Block program 块波程序加载

Software module to create a block program running signal. The module allowschoosing for each block the mean load and amplitude. Because of that it ispossible to run automatically e.g. the known 8 steps block program tests orload increase tests. The number of load steps is unlimited.该软件模块来创建一个块块波程序加载信号。这个模块可以选择在每个块的平均负载和幅度。该程序加载过程可自动运行,如已知的8个步块波程序测试或负荷增加测试。负荷的步骤是无限的。

Extendedmonitoring functions 扩展的监测功能

Abort functions for: 超限中止监测功能如下:

- Exceeding of apre-selected form errors of the measuring signals.

- 测量信号超出预设信号的误差监测功能。

- Exceeding ofpre-selected limits for a further analogue signal.

- 其他模拟信号的极限监测功能。

1.6.4 UPS System UPS系统

Uninterruptible power supply with 800 VA max.power rating and 5 min. stand-by time for PC run with monitor (Controlledshut-down of the controller and the computer). The UPS is installed on theright side of the control-unit cabinet.最大额定功率800 VA不间断电源并可持续5分钟。随时准备在电源切断时运行(在关闭控制器和计算机)。该UPS是安装在右侧的控制单元柜。
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